2023 REOC Home Counties All-Makes Motorcycle Autojumble

The 2023 REOC Home Counties All-Makes Motorcycle Autojumble will be at Yardley Gobion Village Hall on Saturday 29th April at YG Village Hall, Chestnut Road, Yardley Gobion, NN12 7TW from 9.30 to 4pm.

Entry £4. Stallholders, £5 for an indoor pitch (1 table, 2 chairs) and outdoor van-size pitches £10. Stallholders get 2 passes so bring a friend/helper.

Parking restricted to stall holders only at the Hall but plenty of street parking nearby and at the local pub, the Coffee Pot Tavern, 30 High Street Yardley Gobion NN12 7TN which will be open for the usual stuff as well as hot meals. Refreshments are available in the hall, excellent tea coffee biscuits, cake etc.

Although this is an REOC organised event all motorcycle spares and projects are welcome, British Japanese Italian German as well as tools, literature, clothing, anything as long as it’s motorcycle related! You can also sell complete bikes/projects outside, (contact Mark for more information.)

Last year several clubs made this a destination for a run out, please feel free to include it in your events diary! This is a charity event, last year we donated over £600 to MIND for mental health and our chosen charity this year is the Alzheimer’s Society. Please note, this event doesn’t clash with anything else in the bike/autojumble calendar so it’s the place to be!

For all enquiries please contact Mark at trials59@yahoo.co.uk Finally, please spread the word to any individual or group who’d be interested, we need all the support we can get and if any Midshires members fancy volunteering to assist, please contact me, free entrance and tea as a reward!

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